Sunday, September 13, 2009

Entry #2: I Dream with Music

Growing up outside of town meant that travelling to and from work or school took a good 20 minutes or so. I have now relocated into one of the glob cities that make up the Greater Toronto Area. The winding 80km back roads have been replaced by stop lights and stop and go highways. I love the city; I miss the peaceful drives.

As traffic cooled with the setting sun on Friday, I flicked on the headlights and began to track North. A radio check of traffic and weather allows me to slip into my mind following the guidance of my iPod. I often dream with music; something about being immersed in the emotional trails of progressive alternative rock seems to let me forget about the daily vices of the work week. …and I dream.

I am sure this is a combination of things. I am escaping routine, contemplating thoughts in the solitude of my car, and becoming hypnotized by the turns while trekking deeper into the natural world. While any opportunity to collect thoughts and play silent films of goals and aspirations is inviting, there are scary truths that are uncovered in my dreams. I am not where I want to be, yet I am exactly where I put myself.

There is an underlying knowledge in each of us that allows us to see the broken world around us and gives us a glimmer of imagination pointing to a perfect world. I am certain that the perfect world looks different or plays out differently according to our individuality, however, fantasies and dreams of a better life come through these glimmers. Some say, and I agree, that these glimmers point us to something bigger.

Some dream of money, some of philanthropic adventures, some dream of power, some dream of luxury, some dream of self-indulgence. I dream of music and long to create it, cultivate it, be part of it, and use it as a catalyst in revealing to others something greater than themselves. The scary truth is that music is not part of my life or part of my pursuits. The challenges that I face each day are monetary and directed by money, power, and self-indulgence. Although these things are obvious motivators in this world, I do not dream of them. I dream with music and I dream of music. I can only pray for an opportunity to reverse this reality.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,

    I find this is a dream I share with you. I miss playing with you, man. Maybe someday it'll happen again.
