Sunday, September 6, 2009

Entry #1: An Introduction

 It seems as if I have been dropped into a desperate pursuit of the American Dream.  Although the core of who I am fights against this, I understand my choices put me here.

I saw a title at the bookstore, "Life Inc.", and was comforted that I am not the only one who realizes that something is wrong here.  I suppose that looking at the world through a lens of negativity is arguable unhealthy; but I also am aware that to play this sort of game like part of a flock of sheep will only dig me deeper into dependence on the things of this world.

I want to make this clear: the things of this world are the things which do not last – the things that decay.  Even the most materialistic understand that most of what we seek is temporary and must either be expanded or cherished in order to hold any value.

However, there are things that last and things that are true and cannot be broken.  These are the things that I chase, ultimately.  A truer statement would say that these are the things I want to capture and hold.  What I tend to chase in reality are the things of this world… namely, The American Dream.

You are welcome to read along through these pages of brown and black, but I do not anticipate much of an audience.  I don’t want to lose my grounding to reality, and sometimes that is depressing.  Just know that I am confident that the end of this road is not off a cliff.

“It’s not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
– Rocky Balboa

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Newman, it is good to see you, although it is only online. Looking foward to reading your thoughts, glad you found mine.
